The parkrunfans blog allows parkrunners from the UK and around the world to share their views and experiences with the rest of the parkrun community. Everyone has their own parkrun experiences and stories and this is the place to share yours. If you would like to contribute, please take a look at the Contributors page.
Friday, 10 February 2012
New Contributor: Martin Harris
Home parkrun: Nonsuch
Date of first parkrun: 28/08/2010
Total Number of parkruns: 8
Number of other parkrun locations run: 3 - Wimbledon, Banstead, Bushy Park
Number of times volunteered: 1
Twitter: @MPHinLondon
Bio: Used to run a fair bit about 4 years ago when I was out living in Sydney, doing marathons and a few ultras (Six Foot and Kepler Track), but since arriving back in the UK, I seem to have caught the Heathrow seems to have taken over and running shoved firmly in to the boot!
There's been some form of come backs on and off the past few years with no real success to due injury..or or more honestly apathy. But I've found that Parkruns are really helping me meet other runners, which I find is pretty important to consistent training, which I've found to be working. So this year I'll do more volunteering to help keep Parkrun going from strength to strength, the more events that get put on, the likelihood more of the country will get off their backsides and run hard for 30 minutes! :)
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Course Description: Durham parkrun - A Course For All
I am going to attempt to write an unbiased account of the 5km route (3.1 miles in old money) but of course you already know that I am going to fail in doing so, as Durham is such a fabulous course that offers everthing which one could ask for in a run.

Under an old brick railway bridge, across the recently built Kingfisher Bridge, you proceed along the towpath, turn a corner and there it is the most scenic view one could possibly wish for. An expanse of river often littered with University rowing crews, coxless fours, coach and eight, sculls you name it, they are there training hard under the guidance of their cycling coaches, raise your eyes from the river and your spirits are lifted, your tiredness totally forgotten as you witness, Norman architecture in all of it's stunning glory, Durham Cathedral adjacent to the equally impressive Castle, I am swooning right now as I type and recollect this breathtaking vision.

If you glance left across the river, you will see the finish, this can of course work both ways, it can either inspire or tire, the choice is yours hopefully it's the former as you head for the third bridge of the course, known as Baths Bridge. This is where you encounter probably the only wee incline of the route so tackle it with confidence and with a smile as it has been known for Digital Dougie to have his camera set up here. Once you've crossed the bridge it's a sharp left and you can now think of the big finish, go for glory. You started on the athletics track like an Olympian let's finish like one, open those legs and show your class, so to speak and gobble up that block paving with river now on your left and Durham University Race Course on your right, the band stand is ahead and so are those runners you've kept in touch with all the way, now is the time to strike and take them just before the finish line. Awaiting your arrival is a gathering of cheering spectators, hard working volunteers and also a rather fetching Durham Ox statue who I'm sure makes sure you have your position and time recorded correctly by handing your finish tag and barcode to a volunteer for scanning!
To recap, this course is a MUST for any runner, what more can a parkrunner ask for? Enjoy, certainly not endure, this picturesque, varied mix of terrain, relatively flat run, all under the watchful eye of the majestic and monumental Cathedral and Castle!
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
My first parkrun
New Contributor
Home parkrun: Mile End
Date of first parkrun: 4 Feb 2012
Total number of parkruns 1
Run casually in the past usually training for a Race For Life but always found a reason where I couldn't do more. Then had muscle injury which meant I didn't run for ages.
Now newly retired and back living in London I applied and was accepted for The National Lottery Olympic Park Run on March 31st .
Therefore training in earnest as it is going to be a very special event I think
Monday, 6 February 2012
Happy 2nd Birthday Coventry Parkrun
Up earlier than normal on a Saturday, needed to get into my fancy dress and up to the park ready for the birthday award ceremony. Fancy dress theme was Countries of the World, had gone for a grass skirt with flower garlands hopefully not too hard to run in.
Even though I live literally round the corner from the park decided to drive as I had bought a cake to take up for the birthday party. De-iced the car not an enjoyable task rather wished I could walk as normal.
Love fancy dress Parkruns so many people put a lot of effort in to their outfits, the three cricketers from two weeks ago turned up as Arabs, there was a Mexican, a lady with a basket on her head and yes she did run round with it, more Arabs, South Africans and Aussies to name but a few.
Then came the big moment Jason called everyone together for the award ceremonies. The feeling of pride when I was announced as the winner of the ladies point league was fantastic, it was a hard fought battle with much friendly rivalry developing between myself and my nearest rival. Yet another example of what the Parkrun does for people, a year ago you didn’t even know these people now you are competing with each other shaking each hands at the end of each week irrespective of who came first.
The male trophy went to Andy Wilkinson who again had a tough battle for the award. Looking forward to my next year of Parkruns and wish everyone good luck in the competition. Think it will be even tougher this year.