188 parkrun events run
22,695 runners
The average number of runners per parkrun event run was: 120 (down 3 on last week).
12 events recorded a new record attendance, as follows:
Event | Record Attendance | |
Abingdon | 140 | |
Albert Melbourne | 170 | |
Alice Holt | 157 | |
Claisebrook Cove | 84 | |
Cornwall Park | 59 | |
Havant | 106 | |
Kawana | 44 | |
Kingscliff | 24 | |
Malahide | 216 | |
Nahoon Point | 266 | |
North Lakes | 53 | |
Wynnum | 101 |
Alice Holt parkrun there showing an impressive 157 runners for its inaugural event!
The longest standing parkrun attandance record is:
Amager Faelled 146 28/08/2010
And in the UK its:
Old Deer Park 83 15/01/2011
The highest attandance this week was 809 at Bushy Park. No surprise there. Bushy parkrun still holds the global attendance record for a single event of 1000.
The lowest attandance this week was 6 at Hillerød.
9 new male course records set this week:
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