Tuesday, 17 January 2012

New contributor: Sue Hobbs

Name: Sue Hobbs
Home parkrun: Cardiff
Date of first Parkrun: July 2010
Total number of Parkruns: 42
Yet to volunteer...

Hi!! I am certainly a Parkrun fan and caught the Parkrun "bug" when i signed up after enjoying my first "Race for Life" in May 2010 and wanted to continue with running.

During 2011 we all received some worrying news from our main organiser (Phil Cook) to say that the Parkrun had to stop as he had received a request from Cardiff Council to say that the event had to stop (personally, I believe that the Council had received a complaint about us taking up too much path space). Fortunately, Phil spent much time negotiating with them and eventually an agreement was made that we could continue with our Parkrun but we must ensure that paths are always free for other park users. We are all very grateful to Phil for his success with Cardiff Council...however, every week we try our best to leave the centre of the path free for other park users, such as cyclists. Not an easy task as there were 330 runners last week!!

My husband, who recently completed Ironman Wales, enjoys the Parkrun as part of his training and we both have encouraged our daughter, aged 13, to have a go too. She has now completed 2 Parkruns...and luckily she has caught the bug too..

Lately, I am more than pleased with my time results, my PB was reached in January when I wasoverjoyed to get a time of 26:53. I have yet to get a time like that since and would love to by the time I reach my 50th run!?! last week was 29:23...so no pressure!!!

I have recently entered the Cardiff Half Marathon which takes place in October and entries open soon for the Cardiff 10k which takes place in September so I'm looking forward to plenty of training towards longer distances but much more importantly, running every week at the Parkrun for some very enjoyable timed speed workouts.

Long live Cardiff Parkrun....

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. Eagerly awaiting the next installments.

    When is the family snack down going to happen?


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